Banilla Protein Smoothie


Today's blog is a little bit of a different focus. Today we are going to look at Mark's super easy and delicious protein smoothie that he has dubbed as the Banilla Protein Smoothie. Without further adieu, lets get right into the ingredient list and how to prepare the smoothie.


1-2 Frozen bananas (sliced)

Ice (4-6 cubes it typically ideal)

1 Scoop Protein powder

Water or milk 1/2 cup to full cup

Optional: Cinnamon for some extra zing! (Mark loves cinnamon!)


One of the best parts of this smoothie is that it is really quick and easy to prepare and will create a smoothie that is textured like a thick milkshake! Like most smoothies you will need a blender to do the dirty work. I really like the basic Ninja blender that will blend into a travel cup to allow you to take your smoothie on the go. These blenders are pretty tough, reasonably tough and have the power to rip apart ice and frozen fruit with ease.

  1. Step one you will take your frozen banana and place it on the bottom with the blender.

  2. Next add the ice—more ice will equal a thicker smoothie!

  3. Add water or milk—usually half a cup is plenty but you may add more if your prefer a more liquid smoothie

  4. Add cinnamon to taste—I like a lot but you may experiment with this as you like!

  5. Add Whey protein. I prefer to use vanilla flavored but chocolate or strawberry can work well. In terms of brands I really like Wellness Brand from London Drugs. This Whey protein is sweetened with Stevia (a plant based 0 calorie sweetener). I plan to experiment with pure whey protein at some point and may update this post at that time. You may also use plant based proteins such a Vega or Pea or rice proteins. Personally, I find the plant proteins to be a bit gritty but if you are vegan or vegetarian, you got to work within your limits.

  6. Blend until smooth. If the smoothie is too runny, you can add more ice and re-blend until your happy with the consistency. If you use milk, you can get a beautiful cream with extra blending!

  7. Enjoy—I tend to eat my smoothie with a spoon due to the thick consistency.

If you give my smoothie a try please share your thoughts! Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? Please share below!


Puh·laa·teez (aka Pilates)


Novice Jump Rope Routine